Beacon Medicare Limited (BML) has recently launched a new product under the brand name “Pembroxim”, in injection form, under the generic of Pembrolizumab, to help patients fighting against the infection of certain types of cancer in the world.

The medicine will be used in cancer immunotherapy that includes melanoma, head and neck cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma and stomach cancer. It is suggested for slow injection into vein of the patients.

After a successful launching of the product at a programme held in Dhaka on January 22, 2020, the authority of the BML said, they have introduced the product only for export purpose and it will be available in the global market under the brand name of Pembroxim.

“We hoped that it would make bigger the company’s product volume, at the same time, it would earn foreign reputation and currencies to boost out dignity and local economy,” all the high ups of the company expressed their optimism.